====== Kml2Java ====== ===== Activation ===== Action button (available when a Kmelia composite specification is edited). {{:costo:plugins:kml2java_activate.png?600|}} ===== Parameters ===== Basically there are no parameters. But if the Kmelia-Java mappings are not set in the mapping file. A dialog bow will inform the user that these mapping are generated automatically but may be inconsistent with user defined Kmelia data types. - modify the mappings if necessary in the library mapping file (//e.g.// ''PlatoonlibMap'') \\ {{:costo:plugins:kml2java_mappings.png?600|}} ===== Result ===== The result is a Java source folder with the generated Java files. If the directory of the specification is /kmelia/project1/composite.kcp The files are generated in /src/kmelia/project1/composite/... For example, using the navigator view you can see the Java project part. {{:costo:plugins:kml2java_src.png?600|}}