====== Kml2Latex ====== ===== Activation ===== Action button (available when a Kmelia specification is edited). {{:costo:plugins:kml2latex_activate.jpg?400|}} ===== Parameters ===== The settings are provided by a ''Kml2latex.userprefs'' As an example, copy the following lines (except the first one) in the file ''Kml2latex.userprefs'', located at the root of your Kmelia project. >> remove the first line from the copy and add it to ''.cvsignore'' if you use a CVS client. # Copy this file as Kml2latex.userprefs, remove this line from the copy and add it to .cvsignore # # User preferences : # ################################### # WARNING ! # The Costolib.userprefs file contains system-specific values # Please put it in your .cvsignore ###################################### # June 2009 #architecture Linux/Windows #costo.archi=windows costo.archi=windows costo.user=pascal # base directory defaults to the directory from where Costo is launched. # if for some reason you need the tools to look elsewhere # remove Win or Lin and put your real directory ( windows users please note the \ in C\: ) #costo.basedir=C:/Travaux/COLOSS/COSTOLIB/ costo.Winbasedir=C:/Documents and Settings/ costo.Linbasedir=/home/ kmlToLatex.latexdir=E:/Travaux/COLOSS/LATEX #Documentation costo.version=1.0 costo.author=Coloss costo.comment=Benchmark version #dot commands dot.command=dot windows.dot.command="C:/Program Files/ATT/Graphviz/bin/dot" #windows.dot.command="C:/Program Files/Graphviz 2.28/bin/dot" linux.dot.command=/usr/bin/dot #put in the system path variable dotPathPreference="C:/Program Files/ATT/Graphviz/bin/dot" #dotPathPreference="C:/Program Files/Graphviz 2.28/bin/dot" ===== Result ===== The result is a directory of latex and image files. If the directory of the specification is /kmelia/project1/component.kcp The files are generated in /LATEX/kmelia/project1/component/...