====== Run an Example ====== ===== Autonomous Platoon system ===== In this example, the vehicule control their behavior by an ''autorun'' service. This example was a base example for testing Kmelia components and applications. - Open the ''PlatoonSystem'' component of the ''autonomousSimplePlatoon'' folder\\ {{:costo:userguide:costo_openplatoon.png?700|}} - On the above picture you can see the Kmelia action buttons on the right of the shortcut bar. \\ click on the ''kml2java'' button \\ {{:costo:userguide:costo_kml2java.png?700|}} - Refresh the files of the project (''Refresh'' //action of the left frame PopUpMenu//). \\ {{:costo:userguide:costo_kml2java_src.png?700|}} - To run the application, select the generated ''APPLICATION'' java file and ''Run as java application'' //action of the left frame PopUpMenu//). \\ {{:costo:userguide:costo_kml2java_runapp.png?700|}} - To animate the application, select the generated ''MONOTORED_APPLICATION'' java file and ''Run as java application'' //action of the left frame PopUpMenu//). \\ {{:costo:userguide:costo_kml2java_runmonitoredapp.png?700|}}