====== Abstract Data Types ====== defined as types and functions rather than (grammar operators) ===== setOf X ===== generic type ==== glossary entries ==== [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_theory|wikipedia (Set_theory)]] [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(mathematics)|wikipedia (Set)]] ==== primitive functions ==== ==== Définies dans la lib par défaut ==== voir /KmlLibs/DEFAULT/functions.txt #some functions are defined with synonym names #set theory and collection inspiration FUNCTION isEmpty : setOf LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION notEmpty : setOf LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION member : setOf LIKE;LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION notin : setOf LIKE;LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION includes : setOf LIKE;LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION includesAll : setOf LIKE;setOf LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION add : setOf LIKE;LIKE -> setOf LIKE . FUNCTION including : setOf LIKE;LIKE -> setOf LIKE . FUNCTION excludes : setOf LIKE;LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION excludesAll : setOf LIKE;setOf LIKE ->Boolean . FUNCTION excluding : setOf LIKE;LIKE -> setOf LIKE . FUNCTION intersection : setOf LIKE;setOf LIKE ->setOf LIKE . FUNCTION union : setOf LIKE; setOf LIKE ->setOf LIKE . FUNCTION differ : setOf LIKE; setOf LIKE ->setOf LIKE . FUNCTION size : setOf LIKE ->Integer . FUNCTION count : setOf LIKE;LIKE ->Integer . ==== A ajouter (a débattre) ==== FUNCTION differ : setOf LIKE;setOf LIKE -> setOf LIKE. ==== secondary functions ==== FUNCTION differ : setOf LIKE ; setOf LIKE ->setOf LIKE . # set difference FUNCTION oneOf : setOf LIKE -> LIKE . # pick an element in the set FUNCTION oneNotin : setOf LIKE -> LIKE . # pick an element in the complementary set #FUNCTION asArray : setOf LIKE -> array[1..??] of LIKE . # transtyping ===== map X Y ===== generic type functions