====== Reports ====== ===== Meetings ===== ==== 1st Meeting : 09/10/08 16:00-18:00 ==== - Explanation of how the work will be done * The need to make at least two publications to obtain the PhD degree * The need to attend some academic courses relevant to the research topic * Lecture some courses if possible * The need to practice some programming languages such as: Haskell, Java, ... ==== 2nd Meeting : 23/10/08 16:00-18:00 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting02.pdf|}} - Discussing Kmelia Component model -Theoretical Aspect ... completly done * Read and discussed Papers * Checking Component Composability {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:attiogbe06.pdf|}} * Spécification d'architectures logicielles en Kmelia: hiérarchie de connexion et composition {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:andre06.pdf|}} * Defining Component Protocols with Service Composition: Illustration with the Kmelia Model {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:andre07a.pdf|}} * Adaptation for Hierarchical Components and Services {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:andre07b.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting : - Continue with reading papers about Component Models - Reading papers about Aspect Oriented Programming - Downloading and installing Hugs for future use ==== 3rd Meeting : 30/10/08 16:00-19:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting03.pdf|}} - Discussing Kmelia Component model -Implementation Aspect ... completely done * Read and discussed papers: * A Formal Analysis Toolbox for the Kmelia Component Model {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:andre07c.pdf|}} - Discussing Fractal Component Model ... completely done * Read and discussed papers * The Fractal Component Model {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bruneton04.pdf|}} * The Fractal Component Model and its Support in Java {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bruneton06.pdf|}} - Comparing Kmelia and Fractal Component Models ... completely done - Discussing Aspect Oriented Programming Issues ... partially done * Read and disscussed papers: * CASB: Common Aspect Semantics Base {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:djoko06.pdf|}} * Aspects Preserving Properties {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:djoko08.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting : - Continue discussing Aspect Oriented Issues - Preparing demonstration using Hugs developing a parser for a simple imperative language ==== 4th Meeting : 13/11/08 16:30-18:30 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting04.pdf|}} - Discussing CORBA Component Model -The Abstract Model .... Completely done * Read and discussed papers: * CORBA Component Model Specification {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:omg_06.pdf|}} * CORBA Component Model: Discussion and Use with OpenCCM {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:marvie_01.pdf|}} - Comparing CORBA Abstract Model with Kmelia and Fractal Models ... Completely done - Validating the developed imperative interpreter v.1 with Hugs... Completely done - Plan for the next Meeting : - Continue discussing CORBA advanced concepts - Preparing demonstration for the second version of the interpreter that will include procedure calls - Continue discussing Aspect Oriented Issues - Read papers talking about Aspects and Components ==== 5th Meeting : 20/11/08 14:00-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting05.pdf|}} - Discussing Aspect Oriented Programming Issues : Aspect Interactions .... Completely done * Read and discussed papers: * A Framework for the Detection and Resolution of Aspect Interactions {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:douence_02.pdf|}} * Composition, Reuse and Interaction Analysis of Stateful Aspects {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:douence_04.pdf|}} - Discussing Aspect Oriented Programming Issues : Concurrent Aspects .... Completely done * Read and discussed papers: * Concurrent Aspects {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:douence_06.pdf|}} - Discussing Aspectualization of Component Models ... Partially done * Read and discussed papers: * On aspectualizing component models {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:pichler_03.pdf|}} * Aspects as Components {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:medeiros_06.pdf|}} * JAsCo: an Aspect-Oriented approach tailored for Component Based Software Development {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:suvee_03.pdf|}} - Discussing the advancement state of the imperative interpreter - Plan for the next Meeting: * Reading about the advanced services of CORBA, JB and Caesar component models * Continue reading about models integrating both aspects and components * Prepare a presentation about the CoCoME project * Continue working on the imperative interpreter ==== 6th Meeting : 03/12/08 14:30-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting06.pdf|}} * The developed imperative interpreter : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:imp.hs.zip|}} - Discussing the different points of views about aspects and aspect languages .... Completely done - Discussing the CoCoME Example : Context and informal specification .... Completely done * Read and discussed papers: * CoCoME : The Common Component Modeling Example : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:herold_08.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Reading about the advanced services of CORBA, JB and Caesar component models * Continue reading about models integrating both aspects and components * Discuss the application of the component models to the CoCoME example * Start developing the object-oriented interpreter ==== 7th Meeting : 11/12/08 14:30-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting07_.pdf|}} {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting07.pdf|}} - Discussing the Fracal specification of the CoCoME Example .... Completely done * Read and discussed papers: * CoCoME in Fractal: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bulej_08.pdf|}} - Discussing the FuseJ Component Model : Concepts and Features .... Completely done * Read and discussed papers: * A Symmetric and Unified Approach Towards Combining Aspect-Oriented and Component-Based Software Development: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:suvee_06.pdf|}} * FuseJ: An architectural description language for unifying aspects and components: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:suvee_05.pdf|}} - Discussing the CaesarJ Component Model: Concepts, Features and Semantics .... Partially done * Read and discussed papers: * An Overview of CaesarJ: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:aracic_06.pdf|}} * A Virtual Class Calculus: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:ernst_06.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue discussing the application of the component models to the CoCoME example * Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter ==== 8th Meeting : 08/01/09 14:00-18:00 ==== * CoCoME implementation in UPPAAL {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:cocome_in_uppaal.zip|}} - Discussing the UPPAAL implementation of the CoCoME Example - Personal work .... Completely done - Discussing the Object Oriented Interpreter - Plan for the next Meeting: * Discuss the SOFA 2.0 implementation of the CoCoME example * Discuss the rCOS implementation of the CoCoME example * Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter ==== 9th Meeting : 15/01/09 14:30-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting09.pdf|}} - Discussing SOFA 2.0 implementation of the CoCoME example .... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * SOFA 2.0: Balancing Advanced Features in a Hierarchical Component Model {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bures_06.pdf|}} * SOFA 2.0 metamodel {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:hnetynka_05.pdf|}} * Microcomponent-Based Component Controllers: A Foundation for Component Aspects {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:mencel_05.pdf|}} * Automated Synthesis of Connectors for Heterogeneous Deployment {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bures_05.pdf|}} * Dynamic Reconfiguration and Access to Services in Hierarchical Component Models {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:hnetynka_06.pdf|}} * Distributed Versioning Model for MOF {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:hnetynka_04.pdf|}} * CoCoME in SOFA {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bures_08.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Discuss the rCOS implementation of the CoCoME example * Discuss the proposed Calculus for Design Patterns - Personal Work * Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter ==== 10th Meeting : 06/02/09 14:00-17:30 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting10.pdf|}} {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:cocome_in_rcos.pdf|}} - Discussing rCOS implementation of the CoCoME example .... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * rCOS: A Refinement Calculus of Object Systems {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:jifeng_06.pdf|}} * Component-Based Software Engineering: The Need to Link Methods and Their Theories {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:jifeng_05.pdf|}} * A Model of Component-Based Programming {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:chen_07.pdf|}} * Modelling with Relational Calculus of Object and Component Systems - rCOS {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:hakim_08.pdf|}} - Disscussing the proposed Calculus for Design Patterns - Personal Work ... Completely done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Discuss the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier * Discuss the papers proposing Taxonomies to CBSE * Discuss the Java/A implementation of CoCoME * Discuss the concept of Arrows in Haskell * Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter ==== 11th Meeting : 12/02/09 15:30-18:30 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting11.pdf|}} - Discussing the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier about a unification model of aspects and components .... Partially done * Read and Discussed Papers: * Unification des approches par aspects et à composants {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:pessemier_07.pdf|}} * A Component-Based and Aspect-Oriented Model for Software Evolution {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:pessemier_08-2.pdf|}} * A Model of Developing Component-Based and Aspect-Oriented Systems {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:pessemier_06-1.pdf|}} * Components, ADL & AOP: Towards a Common Approach {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:pessemier_04.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue discussing the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier * Discuss the papers proposing Taxonomies of CBSE * Discuss the Java/A implementation of CoCoME * Discuss the concept of Arrows in Haskell * Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter ==== 12th Meeting : 26/02/09 15:00-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:javaa_1_.pdf|}} {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:javaa_2_.pdf|}} * The Object-Oriented Interpreter : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:oo.hs.zip|}} - Discussing the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier about a unification model of aspects and components .... Completely - Discussing papers talking about taxonomies for CBSE ... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * A Taxonomy on Component-Based Software Engineering Methods {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bunse_06.pdf|}} * A Taxonomy of Software Component Models {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:lau_05.pdf|}} * Software Component Models {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:lau_07.pdf|}} - Discussing the Java/A implementation of CoCoME ... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * A Component Model for Architectural Programming {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:baumeister_06.pdf|}} * Modeling the CoCoME with the Java/A Component Model {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:alexander_08.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Discuss the DisCComp implementation of CoCoME * Discuss the COIn implementation of CoCoME * Discuss the GCM implementation of CoCoME * Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model ==== 13th Meeting : 06/03/09 15:30-18:30 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:disccomp.pdf|}} {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:coin.pdf|}} {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:gcm.pdf|}} - Discussing the DisCComp implementation of CoCoME ... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * DisCComp - A Formal Model for Distributed Concurrent Components {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:rausch_07.pdf|}} * Modelling the CoCoME with DisCComp {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:appel_08.pdf|}} - Discussing the CoIn implementation of CoCoME ... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * Component-interaction automata as a verification-oriented component-based system specification {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:brim_06.pdf|}} * Component-Interaction Automata Approach (CoIn) {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:zimmerova_08.pdf|}} - Discussing the GCM implementation of CoCoME ... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * From Distributed Objects to Hierarchical Grid Components {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:baude_03.pdf|}} * Towards Seamless Computing and Metacomputing in Java {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:caromel_98.zip|}} * Parameterized Models for Distributed Java Objects {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:barros_04.pdf|}} * A Specification Language for Distributed Components Implemented in GCM/ProActive {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:cansado_08.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Discuss the Cowch implementation of CoCoME * Discuss the Jury evaluation of the CoCoME implementations using the different Component Models * Discuss the different architectural views of CoCoME * Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model ==== 14th Meeting : 12/03/09 14:00-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:cowch.pdf|}} {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting14.pdf|}} - Discussing the Cowch implementation of CoCoME ... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * Linking Programs to Architectures: An Object-Oriented Hierarchical Software Model Based on Boxes {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:schaefer_08.pdf|}} - Discussing the Jury evaluation of the CoCoME implementations using the different Component Models ... Completely done * Read and Discussed Papers: * CoCoME Jury Evaluation and Conclusion {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:broy_08.pdf|}} - Discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME ... Partially done - Evalute the first version of the functional inerpreter and the arrows model ... Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME * Evaluating the final version of the functional interpreter * Discuss the results of the AOSD'09 * Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model ==== 15th Meeting : 26/03/09 14:30-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting15.pdf|}} * The Functional Interpreter : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:lambda.hs.zip|}} * Groove implemetaion of our model (beta version): {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:base.gps.zip|}} - Discussing the ability of contribution with the IRCCYN Team ... Partially done - Discussing the ability of using Graph Transformation Systems to implement our model ... Completely done (no precise specification of the model is possible with GTSs) - Discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME ... Partially done - Evalute a beta version of the arrows implementation of our model ... Partially done - Discussing the results of the AOSD'09 Conference ... No remarkable relation with our subject - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME * Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model ==== 16th Meeting : 03/04/09 15:30-18:00 ==== * Beta version of arrows implementation of Our model : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:arrwb01.hs.zip|}} - Discussing the beta version of arrows implementation of our model - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME * Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model ==== 17th Meeting : 30/04/09 15:30-17:00 ==== * Version 1.1 of arrows implementation of Our model : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:facl_v1.1.zip|}} - Discussing version 1.1 of arrows implementation of our model - Plan for the next Meeting: * discuss existing applications of arrows theory in practice. * update the current version to satisfy the discussed points in the meeting: * make the Fst and Snd operator more general * include the case where the applying wrappers to a Loop operator * shows the ability to use a bus to include all additional wires ==== 18th Meeting : 07/05/09 16:30-19:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting18.pdf|}} * Revised Version 1.1 of arrows implementation of Our model : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:facl-1.1_07:05:09.zip|}} - Discussing the revised version 1.1 of arrows implementation of our model - Discussing existing real world applications of arrows ... partially done * Read and discussed papers : * HPorter: Using Arrows to Compose Parallel Processes {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:huang_07.pdf|}} * Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:hudak_03.pdf|}} * Genuinely Functional User Interfaces {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:courtney_01.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * continue discussing existing applications of arrows theory in practice. * update the current version of FACL to satisfy the discussed points in the meeting: * add new rules for wrapping components at different levels of architecture (IN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) * fix existing rules such that : LOOP operator * prepare an example already specified in Fractal and show how it can be specified using the existing arrows operators ==== 19th Meeting : 15/05/09 15:30-19:00 ==== * Thesis Report : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:thesisreport_2009.zip|}} - Validate the thesis report to be submitted to the thesis monitoring committee. - Plan for the next Meeting: * continue discussing existing applications of arrows theory in practice. * update the current version to satisfy the discussed points in the meeting: * add new rules for wrapping components at different levels of architecture (IN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) * fix existing rules such that : LOOP operator * prepare an example already specified in Fractal and show how it can be specified using the existing arrows operators ==== 20th Meeting : 29/05/09 15:30-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting20.pdf|}} * New FACL version : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:facl_v1.1b.zip|}} - Evaluation of the fixed version of FACL - Discussing FACL to Fractal Mapping rules ... Partially done. - Plan for the next Meeting: * discuss the implementaion model of Fractal with its semantic. * discuss, in details, the implementation of the Comanche server with Fractal. * preparing examples in Fractal implementation model mapping those already implemented in FACL. ==== 21th Meeting : 08/07/09 16:00-19:00 ==== - Discussing Fractal implementation of the Comanche Server ... Partially done. - Discussing what to do with the current version of FACL. - Plan for the next Meeting: * discuss the detail of the Fractal implementaion model. * complete the developement of FACL by integrating the algorithm that automaticaly find the needed transformations to be applied to the base before weaving an aspect. ==== 22th Meeting : 09/09/09 15:30-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting22.pdf|}} - Discussing the available taxonomies for CBSE * Read and discussed papers : * A Taxonomy of Components : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:voelter_03.pdf|}} * A Classification and Comparison Framework for Software Architecture Description Languages : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:medvidovic_00.pdf|}} * A Fault Taxonomy for Component-Based Systems : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:mariani_03.pdf|}} * A Lightweight Taxonomy to Characterize Component-Based Systems : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:keinle_07.pdf|}} * Towards a Taxonomy of Software Connectors : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:mehta_00.pdf|}} - Discussing Formalization of CBSE * Read and discussed papers : * A Formal Model for Componentware : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:bergner_00.zip|}} * A Formal Approach to Software Architecture : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:allen_97.pdf|}} - Discussing Aspect-Oriented Programming Concepts * Read and discussed papers : * Aspects for Trace Monitoring : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:avgustinov_06.pdf|}} * Adding Trace Matching with free variables to AspectJ : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:allan_05.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * discuss the detail of the Fractal implementaion model. * complete the developement of FACL by integrating the algorithm that automaticaly find the needed transformations to be applied to the base before weaving an aspect. ==== 23th Meeting : 17/09/09 15:30-18:00 ==== - Discussing the state of the development of FACL prototype - Discussing Julia implementation of Fractal using F4E tool with examples - Plan for the next Meeting: * discuss the new version of FACL. * discuss the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal (i.e. shared components, LC controller). * try to find an example that implements the idea of FACL. ==== 24th Meeting : 24/09/09 15:30-18:00 ==== - Discussing the revised version of FACL prototype - Partially done - Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Complete the discussion of the new version of FACL. * Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal ==== 25th Meeting : 08/10/09 16:00-18:00 ==== - Discussing the revised version of FACL prototype - Partially done and postpone the discussion about it - Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples * Prepare the implementation of our typical example with Julia * Prepare and discuss related works (i.e. Fractal controllers and AOP implementation on Fractal) ==== 26th Meeting : 15/10/09 16:00-18:00 ==== - Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done - Discussing related works on Fractal with their examples - Partially done * Read and discussed Papers * Une extension de Fractal pour l’AOP : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:pessemier_04-1.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples * Discuss the implementation of our typical example with Julia * Complete the discussion of related works ==== 27th Meeting : 21/10/09 16:00-18:00 ==== - Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done - Discussing related works on Fractal with their examples - Partially done * Read and discussed Papers * Aspects and Software Components: A case study of the Fractal Component Model:{{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:fakih_04.pdf|}} * Towards a Framework for Self-adaptive Component-Based Applications : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:david_03.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples * Discuss the implementation of our typical example with Julia * Start working on the proposition of a Language that describes the views transformation for Fractal Component Model ==== 28th Meeting : 29/10/09 16:00-18:00 ==== - Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done - Discussing the Alloy formal specification of Fractal and the limitation of the Alloy tool - Partially done * Read and discussed Papers * A formal specification of the Fractal component model in Alloy : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:merle_08.pdf|}} - Plan for the next Meeting: * Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples * Discuss the implementation of our typical example with Julia * Start working on the proposition of a Language that describes the views transformation for Fractal Component Model ==== 29th Meeting : 05/11/09 14:15-16:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting29.pdf|}} - Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Completely done - Discussing the implementation of our typical example with Julia - Completely done - Discussing the Alloy formal specification of Fractal and the limitation of the Alloy tool - Completely done - Discussing the crane system example and its implementation on Fractal - Partially done - Discussing views transformation language - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Complete the discussion of the crane system example * Complete the discussion of views transformation language ==== 30th Meeting : 17/11/09 14:00-18:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting30.pdf|}} - Discussing the crane system example and its different views - Partially done - Discussing views transformation language - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Complete the discussion of the crane system example * Complete the discussion of views transformation language ==== 31th Meeting : 25/11/09 9:00-12:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting31.pdf|}} - Discussing the crane system example and its different views - Completely done - Discussing views transformation language - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare an organized draft paper explaining the crane example * Implement the crane example in Fractal * Discuss the possibility of using FPath and FScript Languages * Complete the discussion of views transformation language ==== 32th Meeting : 02/12/09 9:00-12:00 ==== * Slides : {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting32.pdf|}} - Discussing the text describing the crane system example - Completely done - Discussing views transformation language - Completely done - Discussing the ability of using FPath and FScipt Languages - Completely done - Discussing the implementation of the crane example in Fractal - Completely done - Fixing the plan of the paper to be send to the workshop - Completely done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Discuss the final version of the paper to be send to the workshop ==== 33rd Meeting : 17/12/09 14:00-16:00 ==== - Discuss the final version of the paper to to be send to the workshop - Completely done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Discuss the plan for the next step of the thesis after vacation ==== 34th Meeting : 19/01/10 10:00-12:00 ==== - Discuss the submitted paper to the workshop - Completely done - Discuss the autorization of making the thesis in english - Completely done - Discuss the possibility of specifying component behaviors using automaton - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare the final version of the submitted paper * Prepare an LTSA specification of the crane example with its views ==== 35th Meeting : 27/01/10 09:30-12:00 ==== - Discuss the final version of the paper of the workshop - Completely done - Discuss the possibility of specifying component behaviors using LTSA and UPPAAL - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare and submit the final version of the workshop paper * Continue specifying the behavior of the Crane example with UPPAAL and show how conflicts can be detected ==== 36th Meeting : 04/01/10 16:30-18:30 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting36.pdf|}} * Crane System behavior specification with UPAAL: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:crane_system_with_uppaal.zip|}} - Discuss the specification of component behaviors using UPPAAL - Partially done - Discuss the periorities of aspects interactions using UPPAAL periority operator "<" - Discuss binding specification in UPPAAL as a process and guards in components processes - Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare a simple OO implementation of the Crane example in Java to show the exact control flow. * Enhance UPPAAL specification of wrappers (i.e. linearization), binding (i.e. avoid using guards) and find more expressive names to actions. ==== 37th Meeting : 10/02/10 11:00-13:00 ==== * Crane System behavior specification with UPAAL: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:crane_system_with_uppaal_v1.zip|}} - Discuss the enhanced specification of component behaviors using UPPAAL - Partially done - Discuss the OO implementation of the Crane example - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue the enhancement of the UPPAAL specification of wrappers considering the following points: - Consider controllers and interceptors as two different processes. - Consider elementary binding rather than global one. - Find a way on how views integration process can be specified. ==== 38th Meeting : 17/02/10 09:30-11:30 ==== * Stable version of the Crane System behavior specification with UPAAL: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:crane_system_with_uppaal_v_1.5.zip|}} - Discuss the enhanced specification of component behaviors using UPPAAL - Completely done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Start implementing a prototype implementing the idea of views in Fractal considering the following points: - Consider a wrapper as two related components surrounding views - Use FPath to access different components in the architecture. - The output of the execution is a FractalADL file describing the modified architecture with views. - Consider different strategies or orders to integrate wrappers: priorities, nesting, etc. ==== 39th Meeting : 02/03/10 09:00-11:30 ==== * Beta version of VIL implementation in Fractal prototype: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:vil_in_fractal_v1.zip|}} - Discuss the beta version of the prototype that implements VIL in Fractal - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue the development of the prototype considering the following points: - Consider more strategies of integrating wrappers. - Change the input structure of wrapper to be a Fractal ADL like description. - Change the integration strategies to aspect composition rather than aspect weaving. - Generalize the view implementation to accept more than two joinpoints. - Develop a separate version that implements views as news composites with shared components, interceptors and controllers. ==== 40th Meeting : 25/03/10 14:00-17:30 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting_40.pdf|}} - Discuss the AOSD10 conference related works - Completely done - Discuss composition operators design and implementation - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Find another example in Fractal from the web site link * Define a weaving strategy when VIL expression gives several components to be wrapped ==== 41th Meeting : 01/04/10 09:00-12:00 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting_41.pdf|}} - Discuss the VIL language - Partially done - Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue working in the example by adding new components, proposing new views, etc. * Fix the VIL language syntax to be minimal and more expressive language. ==== 42nd Meeting : 07/04/10 09:00-12:00 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting_42.pdf|}} - Discuss the VIL language - Partially done - Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue working on the example by adding new components, proposing new views, etc. * Prepare the Poster for the JDoc * Prepare a draft version for the annual report of the thesis ==== 43rd Meeting : 21/04/10 09:00-12:00 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting_43.pdf|}} - Discuss the Poster - Discuss how to enhance the annual report - Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare a final version for the annual report * Continue working on the example by finding conflicts on views, using operators for aspects composition to resolve conflicts. ==== 44th Meeting : 28/04/10 13:30-17:30 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting_44.pdf|}} - Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done - Discuss possible conflicts on the example - Discuss aspects compositions operators and their applications for the airport example - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Implement aspects manually with compositions operators to the example: A2-A3 (dynamic weaving) and A4-A5 (static weaving) * Enhance the already proposed views: - How to deal with current sessions for A1 - Use Timer calls rather than delaying actions for A2 - Find a way how the order is important for A4 and A5 * Think how we justify the need of the basic view by integrating wrappers ==== 45th Meeting : 07/05/10 16:00-18:00 ==== * Slides: {{coloc:these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse:prive:meeting_45.pdf|}} - Discuss the implementation of wrappers for the airpot internet access example - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue dicussing the implementation and enhancing the semantic behavior of the proposed wrappers