====== Bibliography Directory ====== ===== General Papers ===== - Reverse Engineering: A Roadmap by Hausi Müller at al. {{econet:biblio:muller00.pdf|}} - The Vienna Component Framework Enabling Composition Across Component Models by Johann Oberleitner et al. {{econet:biblio:p25-oberleitner.pdf|}} - A technique for automatic component extraction from object-oriented programs by refactoring by Hironori Washizakia et al. {{econet:biblio:fukazawa.pdf|}} - Program and interface slicing for reverse engineering by Jon Beck et al. {{econet:biblio:p509-beck.pdf|}} - A Simple Method for Extracting Models from Protocol Code by David Lie et al. {{econet:biblio:isca-2001.pdf|}} - An Intermediate Representation for Integrating Reverse Engineering Analyses by Rainer Koschke, et al. {{econet:biblio:wcre98.ps.gz|}} ===== Architecture Reverse Engineering ===== - Reverse Engineering Software-Models of Component-Based Systems by Landry Chouambe, Benjamin Klatt and Klaus Krogmann http://www.ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?isnumber=4493286&arnumber=4493304&count=63&index=17 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CSMR.2008.4493304 ===== Java Reverse Engineering ===== - Experiences with the Development of a Reverse Engineering Tool for UML Sequence Diagrams: A Case Study in Modern Java Development by Matthias Merdes et al. {{econet:biblio:merdes.pdf|}} Reverse Engineering a Large Component-based Software Product by JM Favre and al. {{econet:biblio:csmr01-37-final.pdf|}} ===== Patterns Reverse Engineering ===== - Pattern-Based Reverse-Engineering of Design Components by Rudolf K. Keller et al. {{econet:biblio:p226-keller.pdf|}} - An approach for reverse engineering of design patterns by Ilka Philippow et al. {{econet:biblio:sosym0059final.zip|}} - Reverse Engineering of Design Patterns from Java Source Code by Nija Shi et al. {{econet:biblio:reversejavapatterns.pdf|}} - A Comparison of Reverse Engineering Tools Based on Design Pattern Decomposition by Francesca Arcelli et al. - Automatic Detection of Design Pattern for Reverse Engineering by Hakjin Lee et al. - Experiments on Design Pattern Discovery by Jing Dong et al. {{econet:biblio:patterndiscovery.pdf|}} ===== Code Model Checking , Source code Analysis ===== - Model-checking Distributed Components: The Vercors Platform by Tomas Barros at al. {{econet:biblio:facs06.vercors.pdf|}} - Source Code Analysis: A Road Map by David Binkley {{econet:biblio:binkley.pdf|}} - Formal verification of software source code through semi-automatic modeling by Cindy Eisner {{econet:biblio:eisner.pdf|}} - Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement by Edmund M. Clarke et al. {{econet:biblio:p752-clarke.pdf|}} ===== Trace Exploration ===== - A Survey of Trace Exploration Tools and Techniques by Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj et al. {{econet:biblio:lethbridge.pdf|}} - Bandera: extracting finite-state models from Java source code by J.C. Corbett et al. {{econet:biblio:bandera.pdf|}} - Tool-supported program abstraction for finite-state verification by M.B. Dwyer et al. {{econet:biblio:bandera-abs.pdf|}} - Component Recovery, Protocol Recovery and Validation in Bauhaus by Rainer Koschke et al. {{econet:biblio:koschkezhang.pdf|}} ===== Java Annotations ===== - An overview of JML tools and applications by Lilian Burdy et al. {{econet:biblio:sttt04.pdf|}} ===== Verification of Software Components and Code ===== - Roadmap for enhanced languages and methods to aid verification by Gary T. Leavens et al. {{econet:biblio:p221-leavens.pdf|}} - Modular Verification of Software Components in C by Sagar Chaki et al. {{econet:biblio:p385-chaki.pdf|}} - Predicate Abstraction of ANSI-C Programs Using SAT by Edmund Clarke at al. {{econet:biblio:fmsd2004.pdf|}} - The SLAM Project: Debugging System Software via Static Analysis by Thomas Ball et al. {{econet:biblio:17-1slam.pdf|}} ===== Draft directory ===== few things to write :-/ The FRACTAL component model and its support in Java: Experiences with Auto-adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems {{econet:biblio:spe06.pdf|}} zipped collections of Pascal's web browsing on the subject {{econet:biblio:gen.zip|}} {{econet:biblio:reengineering.zip|}} {{econet:biblio:dsrg.zip|}} another bibtex file {{econet:biblio:reengineering.zip|}} ===== Members publications on the subject ===== === DSRG === - Runtime Support for Advanced Component Concepts by Tomas Bures et al. {{econet:biblio:bures-etal-sera2007.pdf|}} - Modeling Environment for Component Model Checking from Hierarchical Architecture by Pavel Parizeka et al. {{econet:biblio:parizekplasil-envcomp.pdf|}} - Specification and Generation of Environment for Model Checking of Software Components Pavel Parizek et al. {{econet:biblio:parizekplasil-envspec.pdf|}} - Model Checking of Component Behavior Specification: A Real Life Experience by Pavel Jezek et al. {{econet:biblio:machplasilkofron-explosion.pdf|}} - Model Checking of Software Components: Combining Java PathFinder and Behavior Protocol Model Checker by Parízek Pavel, et al. {{econet:biblio:parizekplasilkofron-combiningjpfbpchecker.pdf|}} - Model Checking of Software Components: Making Java PathFinder Cooperate with Behavior Protocol Checker by Parízek Pavel, et al. {{econet:biblio:parizekplasilkofron-tr-2006-2.pdf|}} === OBASCO === - Java Implementation of a Component Model with Explicit Symbolic Protocols by Sebastian Pavel et al. {{econet:biblio:pnpr05.pdf|}} ===== Project publications ===== ==== Prague'07 Workshop ==== draft version 1.0 {{econet:eco_ws_report.pdf|}} nothing more to say :-/