=== Fast Comparison === | ^ SOFA EBPL ^ KADL ^ KML ^ ^ Attachment | Frame | Component | Service+ component| ^ Operations (computation) | atomic assignments (constants?) | atomic functions (algebraic) |atomic action+service calls | ^ Types | Enums | ADT |"complex but open" means ad hoc | ^ Guards | enum | logic+ADT |logic +ad hoc FL| ^ Dynamic formalism | regexp | state transition |state transition +"hierarchy"| ^ I/O | ! ? | ? ! * |? ! ?? !!| ^ Labels | ?iface.notified{!iface2.pre} | [guard] event com/action |[guard] action* (actions can be com or functions)| ==== corresponding java constructs === | ^ SOFA EBPL ^ KADL ^ KML ^ ^ Attachment | | | | ^ Operations (computation) | | | | ^ Types | | | | ^ Guards | | | | ^ Dynamic formalism | | | | ^ I/O | | | | ^ Labels | | | | === What information do we need ? === ====Parse Tree==== Coloration used to collapse parts of the Parse Tree Tools ? ====Control Flow==== Coloration used to collapse parts of the Control Flow Tools ? ====== format ? ==== textual +API find a good common format for both parse tree and control flow