**EDIT ME** Some points : -we're interested in behavior models - getting them from plain java code without structural information about the component architecture is far beyond the scope of this project - we at least need some kind of "boundaries" -Two first steps : - Our benchmarks shouldn't be spagetthi code (while not sticking to a particular comp model, the application should have a something that look like a component architecture) : **proposed Task : finding fitting benchmarks** -Then let's pretend we already got most of the structural info about the component architecture (Manually, Automagically from Specification or code ...) -We're about to target different abstract models -we need meta information somehow common to the models : a minimal structural component model (comp hierarchy, 1 or several interfaces by component) **proposed Task : finding this minimal meta info** WE don't need a Unfified Component Language -just the minimal stuff to work (remember the size of the project) - additional model-specific meta information (because we might want to do something beyond this project's scope some day) annotations examples code source part (class, package, method, whatever..) "is part of componet id #12344" code source part (class, package, method, whatever..) "is part of interface id #12344"