====== Workshop 2008 at Nantes ====== ==== Contents ==== === Objectives === ** This workshop is a first milestone in the project schedule. Each group worked separately in his part. The goal of the workshop is to present the state of each subproject (theoretical works, tools, programs, documentation), and to finalise the interfaces between the parts. At the borderline, each team may also present related work on the subject (team current research, synthesis...). The workshop will then state the schedule for the remaining of the project including the workshop in Cluj. ** === Tracks === Here is a first list of the main tracks to follow 1- Present the current situation * for each subproject * products and problems * future work 2- Tools normalisation * compare tools and techniques of each subproject * final decisions on the tools panel * perspectives 3- Study the interface between the parts * format, filters, API... * languages 4- Get a first prototype * source and documentations for each subproject * final decisions on the metamodel part * extract the main open issues * applications on CoCoME 5- Draw the roadmap to the end of the year * development * documentation * publication (reports, papers) === Program === Preliminary Program [[program08n]] === Ongoing work === I'd like every body to collaborate on the annotated bibliography and give ideas on the above tracks. ;-) == Common publication perspectives == The following tracks are still up to date 1- build a reference bibliography of the reverse engineering domain * concepts * related work and comparison * mains issues * approaches, plateforms and tools (JPF, Bandera, 2- set the source area * subset of Java concepts * libraries * components ? * examples 3- set the target area(s) * SOFA, Kmelia, Vercors, ... * contracts, protocols, inheritance... 4- initiate some directions to follow in order to process the reverse transformation * patterns * rule based system * combination of several existing tools * ...