====== Venue ====== **Some informations** collected by Pascal ===== About LINA ===== LINA - UMR CNRS \\ 2, rue de la houssinière\\ BP 92208\\ 44322 Nantes Cedex 3\\ FRANCE\\ Tel (+33 2)/(02) 51 12 58 00 \\ Fax (+33 2)/(02) 51 12 58 12\\ [[http://lina.atlanstic.net/]] ==== Access ==== * Maps [[http://lina.atlanstic.net/en/lina/acces/unantes/index.html|LINA maps]] * Specific econet local information [[hotels|here]] ===== About Hotels ===== [[hotels]] >> **Special access to LINA** for >> ''Monday 12 of may'' //(meeting point - cf mail)// ===== About transportation ===== [[transportation]] see also [[http://www.nantes-tourisme.com/49748085/1/fiche___pagelibre/&RH=GP_en|Nantes'access]] ===== About the city and tourist information ===== [[tourism]] ===== Maps ===== [[maps]] ===== About Money ===== ^Currency Conversion Results^^^^^^^ |Symbol|Euro|Exchange Rate||Czech Koruna|Bid|Ask| |EURCZK=X|1|Apr 17|24.999|24.999|24.999|25.081| ||||||| ^Currency Conversion Results^^^^^^^ |Symbol|Euro|Exchange Rate||Romanian New Leu|Bid|Ask| |EURRON=X|1|Apr 17|3.6233|3.6233|3.6233|3.6396| ===== Practice Your French ===== [[practice]]