====== Workshop 2007 at Pragues ====== ==== Contents ==== === Objectives === **Since we have to apply for a second year at the end of september we have to present a first result at the end of the workshop. I thought about an intermediate objective report including a clear statement of the problem, an annoted bibliography and a list of work for the rest of the year and a planning of the second year.** === Tracks === Here is a first list of the main tracks to follow 1- build a reference bibliography of the reverse engineering domain * concepts * related work and comparison * mains issues * approaches, plateforms and tools (JPF, Bandera, 2- set the source area * subset of Java concepts * libraries * components ? * examples 3- set the target area(s) * SOFA, Kmelia, Vercors, ... * contracts, protocols, inheritance... 4- initiate some directions to follow in order to process the reverse transformation * patterns * rule based system * combination of several existing tools * ... === Program === Program [[program07]] === Preliminary work === I'd like every body to collaborate on the annotated bibliography and give ideas on the above tracks. ;-)