====== Program ====== Ondrej, Petr and me did establish a time schedule but the presentation duration are really duration-free for both the contents and questions ;-) Day 1 and 2 are dedicated to workshop presentations. The durations and schedules leave time for numerous discussions... ;-) * Presentation of the teams (recent work, projects, tools, ...) * Technical presentations Day 3, 4 and 5 are dedicated to the project work (context, goal, process, tools, practical organisation and responsabilities) ===== Day 1 (Monday) ===== - Welcome ({{econet:pragues2007:welcome_prague07.pdf|}}) - Technical presentations about SOFA | 10:30 - 12:00 | Invitation, discussion on workshop program and Prague visit | | 12:00 | Lunch | | 13:30 - 17:00 | DSRG presentations (coffee break at 15:30) | We start by this because SOFA would be the basis of the project support. This is an unordered list. * **DSRG Team presentation** Frantisek Plasil {{econet:pragues2007:teamdsrg.ppt|}} * ** SOFA overview ** Petr Hnetynka {{econet:pragues2007:sofa2-slides.pdf|}} * ** (Extended) Behavior protocols + demo application (from CoCoME contest) ** Jan Kofron {{econet:pragues2007:ebp.pdf|}} * ** Checking behavior protocols against code using Java PathFinder ** Pavel Parizek {{econet:pragues2007:jpfbpc-slides.pdf|}} ===== Day 2 (Tuesday) ===== | 9:00 - 12:00 | Cluj presentations (coffee break at 10:30) | | 12:00 | Lunch | | 13:30 - 18:00 | COLOSS + OBASCO presentations (coffee break at 15:30) | This is an unordered list. * **COLOSS Team presentation** Gilles Ardourel {{econet:pragues2007:teamcoloss.pdf|}} * **The Kmelia Component Model Hierarchical Service Description and Analysis** Pascal André {{econet:pragues2007:slides_kmelia.pdf|}} * **OBASCO Team presentation** Jean-Claude Royer {{econet:pragues2007:teamobasco.pdf|}} * **Rendezvous principle ** Jean-Claude Royer {{econet:pragues2007:cpa07.pdf|}} * **The STSLib project ** Jean-Claude Royer {{econet:pragues2007:facs07.pdf|}} * **(UML) Model Checking - an OCL Based Approach ** Dan Chiorean {{econet:pragues2007:modelchecking_econet_prague.ppt|}} * **LCI Team presentation** Dan Chiorean {{econet:pragues2007:lci_prague.ppt|}} ===== Day 3 (Wednesday) ===== | 9:00 - 11:30 | Working session (coffee break at 10:00) | | 11:30 | Lunch | | 13:00 | SOCIAL EVENT Prague visit 8-) | | 19:00 | Dinner | Working contents * Building a common reference bibliography discuss about subject-related papers * Discussing about the ECONET project decisions on the source and target area boundaries {{econet:pragues2007:working_prague07_05.pdf|WS Introduction}} Pascal {{econet:pragues2007:teamdsrg.ppt|DSRG contribution}} Frantisek Put your random Ideas and discussion pages here : [[econet:gilles_random_ideas]] ===== Day 4 (Thursday) ===== | 9:00 - 12:00 | Working session (coffee break at 10:30) | | 12:00 | Lunch | | 13:30 - 17:00 | Work on proposal (coffee break at 15:30) | * Discussing about the ECONET project discussions on the best way to get reverse transformations and back to decisions on the source and target area boundaries discussions on the best way to get reverse transformations {{econet:pragues2007:working_prague07_06.pdf|WS day 4 Introduction}} Pascal {{econet:pragues2007:cocome_in_sofa.pdf}} Jan {{econet:pragues2007:jpf.ppt}} Jiri {{econet:pragues2007:ideas-day4-petr.pdf|Ideas}} Petr Hnetynka ===== Day 5 ===== Friday: ------- | 9:00 - 12:00 | Working session (coffee break at 10:30) | | 12:00 | Lunch | | 13:30 - 17:00 | Free slot (coffee break at 15:30) | * Discussing about the ECONET project * experimentations (find supporting examples) * tool environment * assessment of the workshop * synthesis * working plan * intermediate project report and second year application {{econet:pragues2007:working_prague07_07.pdf|WS day 5 - Introduction}} see also the material page [[econet:pragues2007:materials]] ===== Day 6 ===== back to home :-\ ====== Initial Program Covering (since june) ====== the contents will be finalised later but it includes - presentation of the teams (recent work, projects, tools, ...) - decision on the source and target area boundaries - discussions on the way to get reverse transformations - find application examples - etc.