- Plan for the next Meeting: * discuss the detail of the Fractal implementaion model. * complete the developement of FACL by integrating the algorithm that automaticaly find the needed transformations to be applied to the base before weaving an aspect.
- Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare the final version of the submitted paper * Prepare an LTSA specification of the crane example with its views
- Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare and submit the final version of the workshop paper * Continue specifying the behavior of the Crane example with UPPAAL and show how conflicts can be detected
- Discuss the periorities of aspects interactions using UPPAAL periority operator "<" - Discuss binding specification in UPPAAL as a process and guards in components processes - Plan for the next Meeting: * Prepare a simple OO implementation of the Crane example in Java to show the exact control flow. * Enhance UPPAAL specification of wrappers (i.e. linearization), binding (i.e. avoid using guards) and find more expressive names to actions.
- Discuss the OO implementation of the Crane example - Partially done - Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue the enhancement of the UPPAAL specification of wrappers considering the following points: - Consider controllers and interceptors as two different processes. - Consider elementary binding rather than global one. - Find a way on how views integration process can be specified.
- Plan for the next Meeting: * Start implementing a prototype implementing the idea of views in Fractal considering the following points: - Consider a wrapper as two related components surrounding views - Use FPath to access different components in the architecture. - The output of the execution is a FractalADL file describing the modified architecture with views. - Consider different strategies or orders to integrate wrappers: priorities, nesting, etc.
- Plan for the next Meeting: * Continue the development of the prototype considering the following points: - Consider more strategies of integrating wrappers. - Change the input structure of wrapper to be a Fractal ADL like description. - Change the integration strategies to aspect composition rather than aspect weaving. - Generalize the view implementation to accept more than two joinpoints. - Develop a separate version that implements views as news composites with shared components, interceptors and controllers.