This is not the current version (see annotations)


things to think about later : (temp requirement passed as parameters …)

"entry point"
 Gilles: name_of_the_component seems redundant because the method or the class should already belong to  a component ( see InComponent annotation)

things to think about later: (consistency rules needed? is having several initclasses, methods in a component legal ? )


Do we need it ? We already know methods from the provided annotation

Business methods have to be singled out


Goal: identify parameters of business methods
Problem: String or int may be used as business object sometimes and sometimes not

things to think about later: another annotation could be for abstracting data : telling that an integer only has a few cases…

Business Types have to be annotated. In some cases (library without accessible source code) they can't be, so a textual configuration file will be used to list them or to list non-business types. White list, black list, regular expressions over full name ?