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Cristiana J. Silva

Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA), Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Title: Complex networks and hybrid models applied to epidemics

In this talk we present complex networks built with non identical instances of epidemiological models for infectious diseases, such as Tuberculosis (TB), HIV/AIDS and COVID-19. We consider real data from TB in Angola and Portugal, HIV/AIDS in Cape Verde, COVID-19 in Portugal and fit the epidemic models to each of these case studies. After we propose original complex network models for epidemic problems in heterogeneous geographical areas. We analyze the effect of different coupling and intensity of migratory movements between nodes and explore the effect of human displacement and behavior. Moreover, we prove the existence of optimal topologies that minimize the level of infection in a global sense. Our hybrid models are built by coupling epidemic models given by systems of ordinary differential equations and agent-based models. These hybrid models intend to integrate the microscopic dynamics of individual behaviors into the macroscopic evolution of various population dynamics models. We apply our hybrid model general framework to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a joint work with Guillaume Cantin.

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