Download Costo test plugins here
To test Kmelia application, we need first to write an test intention. This test intention aim is the evaluation of an component or service of our application. From this test intention we must built a test harness in order to isolate the component or service under test and create a set of link necessary to reach the aim of the test intention. COSTOLIBPLUGINKMLTEST is the Costo plugin which provide user a set of functionalities used to build harness test from an test intention.
Some of his functionalities are the descovery of all services of application under test , the descovery of all variables under test, the link of services or variables and creation of new component or mock.
After setting are done correctly we can generate the test Harness using COSTOLIBPLUGINKMLTEST_ menu item “Generate”.
IDE Eclipse 3.6
Java version 6
Plugin version 1.0.1
Generate test harness from test intention.
After Test Harness generation get success, COSTOLIBPLUGINTESTDATA allow user to transform his kmelia application with test harness (none executable) into executable application. This plugins provide also a way to build test data which will be use to initialize component or service under test.
IDE Eclipse 3.6
Java version 6
Plugin version 1.0.0