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Run an Example

Autonomous Platoon system

In this example, the vehicule control their behavior by an autorun service.

This example was a base example for testing Kmelia components and applications.

  • Open the PlatoonSystem component of the autonomousSimplePlatoon folder
  • On the above picture you can see the Kmelia action buttons on the right of the shortcut bar.
    click on the kml2java button
  • Refresh the files of the project (Refresh action of the left frame PopUpMenu).
  • To run the application, select the generated APPLICATION java file and Run as java application action of the left frame PopUpMenu).
  • To animate the application, select the generated MONOTOREDAPPLICATION java file and Run as java application'' action of the left frame PopUpMenu).
costo/userguide/runautonomousplatoonexample.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/04/03 16:59 (modification externe)