1st Meeting : 09/10/08 16:00-18:00
Explanation of how the work will be done
The need to make at least two publications to obtain the PhD degree
The need to attend some academic courses relevant to the research topic
Lecture some courses if possible
The need to practice some programming languages such as: Haskell, Java, …
2nd Meeting : 23/10/08 16:00-18:00
Discussing Kmelia Component model -Theoretical Aspect … completly done
Plan for the next Meeting :
Continue with reading papers about Component Models
Reading papers about Aspect Oriented Programming
Downloading and installing Hugs for future use
3rd Meeting : 30/10/08 16:00-19:00
Discussing Kmelia Component model -Implementation Aspect … completely done
Discussing Fractal Component Model … completely done
Comparing Kmelia and Fractal Component Models … completely done
Discussing Aspect Oriented Programming Issues … partially done
Plan for the next Meeting :
Continue discussing Aspect Oriented Issues
Preparing demonstration using Hugs developing a parser for a simple imperative language
4th Meeting : 13/11/08 16:30-18:30
Discussing CORBA Component Model -The Abstract Model …. Completely done
Comparing CORBA Abstract Model with Kmelia and Fractal Models … Completely done
Validating the developed imperative interpreter v.1 with Hugs… Completely done
Plan for the next Meeting :
Continue discussing CORBA advanced concepts
Preparing demonstration for the second version of the interpreter that will include procedure calls
Continue discussing Aspect Oriented Issues
Read papers talking about Aspects and Components
5th Meeting : 20/11/08 14:00-18:00
Discussing Aspect Oriented Programming Issues : Aspect Interactions …. Completely done
Discussing Aspect Oriented Programming Issues : Concurrent Aspects …. Completely done
Discussing Aspectualization of Component Models … Partially done
Discussing the advancement state of the imperative interpreter
Plan for the next Meeting:
Reading about the advanced services of CORBA, JB and Caesar component models
Continue reading about models integrating both aspects and components
Prepare a presentation about the CoCoME project
Continue working on the imperative interpreter
6th Meeting : 03/12/08 14:30-18:00
Discussing the different points of views about aspects and aspect languages …. Completely done
Discussing the CoCoME Example : Context and informal specification …. Completely done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Reading about the advanced services of CORBA, JB and Caesar component models
Continue reading about models integrating both aspects and components
Discuss the application of the component models to the CoCoME example
Start developing the object-oriented interpreter
7th Meeting : 11/12/08 14:30-18:00
Discussing the Fracal specification of the CoCoME Example …. Completely done
Discussing the FuseJ Component Model : Concepts and Features …. Completely done
Discussing the CaesarJ Component Model: Concepts, Features and Semantics …. Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
8th Meeting : 08/01/09 14:00-18:00
Discussing the UPPAAL implementation of the CoCoME Example - Personal work …. Completely done
Discussing the Object Oriented Interpreter
Plan for the next Meeting:
Discuss the SOFA 2.0 implementation of the CoCoME example
Discuss the rCOS implementation of the CoCoME example
Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter
9th Meeting : 15/01/09 14:30-18:00
Discussing SOFA 2.0 implementation of the CoCoME example …. Completely done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Discuss the rCOS implementation of the CoCoME example
Discuss the proposed Calculus for Design Patterns - Personal Work
Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter
10th Meeting : 06/02/09 14:00-17:30
Discussing rCOS implementation of the CoCoME example …. Completely done
Disscussing the proposed Calculus for Design Patterns - Personal Work … Completely done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Discuss the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier
Discuss the papers proposing Taxonomies to CBSE
Discuss the Java/A implementation of CoCoME
Discuss the concept of Arrows in Haskell
Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter
11th Meeting : 12/02/09 15:30-18:30
Discussing the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier about a unification model of aspects and components …. Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Continue discussing the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier
Discuss the papers proposing Taxonomies of CBSE
Discuss the Java/A implementation of CoCoME
Discuss the concept of Arrows in Haskell
Continue developing the object-oriented interpreter
12th Meeting : 26/02/09 15:00-18:00
Discussing the thesis of Nicolas Pessemier about a unification model of aspects and components …. Completely
Discussing papers talking about taxonomies for CBSE … Completely done
Discussing the Java/A implementation of CoCoME … Completely done
Read and Discussed Papers:
Modeling the CoCoME with the Java/A Component Model
- Plan for the next Meeting:
Discuss the DisCComp implementation of CoCoME
Discuss the COIn implementation of CoCoME
Discuss the GCM implementation of CoCoME
Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model
13th Meeting : 06/03/09 15:30-18:30
Discussing the DisCComp implementation of CoCoME … Completely done
Discussing the CoIn implementation of CoCoME … Completely done
Discussing the GCM implementation of CoCoME … Completely done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Discuss the Cowch implementation of CoCoME
Discuss the Jury evaluation of the CoCoME implementations using the different Component Models
Discuss the different architectural views of CoCoME
Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model
14th Meeting : 12/03/09 14:00-18:00
Discussing the Cowch implementation of CoCoME … Completely done
Discussing the Jury evaluation of the CoCoME implementations using the different Component Models … Completely done
Discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME … Partially done
Evalute the first version of the functional inerpreter and the arrows model … Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Continue discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME
Evaluating the final version of the functional interpreter
Discuss the results of the AOSD'09
Continue developing the prototype of using arrows to implement an Aspect-Component Model
15th Meeting : 26/03/09 14:30-18:00
Groove implemetaion of our model (beta version):
Discussing the ability of contribution with the IRCCYN Team … Partially done
Discussing the ability of using Graph Transformation Systems to implement our model … Completely done (no precise specification of the model is possible with GTSs)
Discussing the different architectural views of CoCoME … Partially done
Evalute a beta version of the arrows implementation of our model … Partially done
Discussing the results of the AOSD'09 Conference … No remarkable relation with our subject
Plan for the next Meeting:
16th Meeting : 03/04/09 15:30-18:00
Discussing the beta version of arrows implementation of our model
Plan for the next Meeting:
17th Meeting : 30/04/09 15:30-17:00
Version 1.1 of arrows implementation of Our model :
Discussing version 1.1 of arrows implementation of our model
Plan for the next Meeting:
18th Meeting : 07/05/09 16:30-19:00
Revised Version 1.1 of arrows implementation of Our model :
Discussing the revised version 1.1 of arrows implementation of our model
Discussing existing real world applications of arrows … partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
continue discussing existing applications of arrows theory in practice.
update the current version of FACL to satisfy the discussed points in the meeting:
add new rules for wrapping components at different levels of architecture (IN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT)
fix existing rules such that : LOOP operator
prepare an example already specified in Fractal and show how it can be specified using the existing arrows operators
19th Meeting : 15/05/09 15:30-19:00
Validate the thesis report to be submitted to the thesis monitoring committee.
Plan for the next Meeting:
continue discussing existing applications of arrows theory in practice.
update the current version to satisfy the discussed points in the meeting:
add new rules for wrapping components at different levels of architecture (IN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT)
fix existing rules such that : LOOP operator
prepare an example already specified in Fractal and show how it can be specified using the existing arrows operators
20th Meeting : 29/05/09 15:30-18:00
Evaluation of the fixed version of FACL
Discussing FACL to Fractal Mapping rules … Partially done.
Plan for the next Meeting:
discuss the implementaion model of Fractal with its semantic.
discuss, in details, the implementation of the Comanche server with Fractal.
preparing examples in Fractal implementation model mapping those already implemented in FACL.
21th Meeting : 08/07/09 16:00-19:00
Discussing Fractal implementation of the Comanche Server … Partially done.
Discussing what to do with the current version of FACL.
- Plan for the next Meeting:
* discuss the detail of the Fractal implementaion model.
* complete the developement of FACL by integrating the algorithm that automaticaly find the needed transformations to be applied to the base before weaving an aspect.
22th Meeting : 09/09/09 15:30-18:00
Discussing the available taxonomies for CBSE
Discussing Formalization of CBSE
Discussing Aspect-Oriented Programming Concepts
Plan for the next Meeting:
discuss the detail of the Fractal implementaion model.
complete the developement of FACL by integrating the algorithm that automaticaly find the needed transformations to be applied to the base before weaving an aspect.
23th Meeting : 17/09/09 15:30-18:00
Discussing the state of the development of FACL prototype
Discussing Julia implementation of Fractal using F4E tool with examples
Plan for the next Meeting:
discuss the new version of FACL.
discuss the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal (i.e. shared components, LC controller).
try to find an example that implements the idea of FACL.
24th Meeting : 24/09/09 15:30-18:00
Discussing the revised version of FACL prototype - Partially done
Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
25th Meeting : 08/10/09 16:00-18:00
Discussing the revised version of FACL prototype - Partially done and postpone the discussion about it
Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples
Prepare the implementation of our typical example with Julia
Prepare and discuss related works (i.e. Fractal controllers and AOP implementation on Fractal)
26th Meeting : 15/10/09 16:00-18:00
Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done
Discussing related works on Fractal with their examples - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples
Discuss the implementation of our typical example with Julia
Complete the discussion of related works
27th Meeting : 21/10/09 16:00-18:00
Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done
Discussing related works on Fractal with their examples - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples
Discuss the implementation of our typical example with Julia
Start working on the proposition of a Language that describes the views transformation for Fractal Component Model
28th Meeting : 29/10/09 16:00-18:00
Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Partially done
Discussing the Alloy formal specification of Fractal and the limitation of the Alloy tool - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Complete the discussion of the detail of Julia implementation of Fractal with concrete examples
Discuss the implementation of our typical example with Julia
Start working on the proposition of a Language that describes the views transformation for Fractal Component Model
29th Meeting : 05/11/09 14:15-16:00
Discussing the details of Julia implementation of Fractal - Completely done
Discussing the implementation of our typical example with Julia - Completely done
Discussing the Alloy formal specification of Fractal and the limitation of the Alloy tool - Completely done
Discussing the crane system example and its implementation on Fractal - Partially done
Discussing views transformation language - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
30th Meeting : 17/11/09 14:00-18:00
Discussing the crane system example and its different views - Partially done
Discussing views transformation language - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
31th Meeting : 25/11/09 9:00-12:00
Discussing the crane system example and its different views - Completely done
Discussing views transformation language - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Prepare an organized draft paper explaining the crane example
Implement the crane example in Fractal
Discuss the possibility of using FPath and FScript Languages
Complete the discussion of views transformation language
32th Meeting : 02/12/09 9:00-12:00
Discussing the text describing the crane system example - Completely done
Discussing views transformation language - Completely done
Discussing the ability of using FPath and FScipt Languages - Completely done
Discussing the implementation of the crane example in Fractal - Completely done
Fixing the plan of the paper to be send to the workshop - Completely done
Plan for the next Meeting:
33rd Meeting : 17/12/09 14:00-16:00
Discuss the final version of the paper to to be send to the workshop - Completely done
Plan for the next Meeting:
34th Meeting : 19/01/10 10:00-12:00
Discuss the submitted paper to the workshop - Completely done
Discuss the autorization of making the thesis in english - Completely done
Discuss the possibility of specifying component behaviors using automaton - Partially done
- Plan for the next Meeting:
* Prepare the final version of the submitted paper
* Prepare an LTSA specification of the crane example with its views
35th Meeting : 27/01/10 09:30-12:00
Discuss the final version of the paper of the workshop - Completely done
Discuss the possibility of specifying component behaviors using LTSA and UPPAAL - Partially done
- Plan for the next Meeting:
* Prepare and submit the final version of the workshop paper
* Continue specifying the behavior of the Crane example with UPPAAL and show how conflicts can be detected
36th Meeting : 04/01/10 16:30-18:30
Discuss the specification of component behaviors using UPPAAL - Partially done
- Discuss the periorities of aspects interactions using UPPAAL periority operator "<"
- Discuss binding specification in UPPAAL as a process and guards in components processes
- Plan for the next Meeting:
* Prepare a simple OO implementation of the Crane example in Java to show the exact control flow.
* Enhance UPPAAL specification of wrappers (i.e. linearization), binding (i.e. avoid using guards) and find more expressive names to actions.
37th Meeting : 10/02/10 11:00-13:00
Discuss the enhanced specification of component behaviors using UPPAAL - Partially done
- Discuss the OO implementation of the Crane example - Partially done
- Plan for the next Meeting:
* Continue the enhancement of the UPPAAL specification of wrappers considering the following points:
- Consider controllers and interceptors as two different processes.
- Consider elementary binding rather than global one.
- Find a way on how views integration process can be specified.
38th Meeting : 17/02/10 09:30-11:30
Discuss the enhanced specification of component behaviors using UPPAAL - Completely done
- Plan for the next Meeting:
* Start implementing a prototype implementing the idea of views in Fractal considering the following points:
- Consider a wrapper as two related components surrounding views
- Use FPath to access different components in the architecture.
- The output of the execution is a FractalADL file describing the modified architecture with views.
- Consider different strategies or orders to integrate wrappers: priorities, nesting, etc.
39th Meeting : 02/03/10 09:00-11:30
Discuss the beta version of the prototype that implements VIL in Fractal - Partially done
- Plan for the next Meeting:
* Continue the development of the prototype considering the following points:
- Consider more strategies of integrating wrappers.
- Change the input structure of wrapper to be a Fractal ADL like description.
- Change the integration strategies to aspect composition rather than aspect weaving.
- Generalize the view implementation to accept more than two joinpoints.
- Develop a separate version that implements views as news composites with shared components, interceptors and controllers.
40th Meeting : 25/03/10 14:00-17:30
Discuss the AOSD10 conference related works - Completely done
Discuss composition operators design and implementation - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
41th Meeting : 01/04/10 09:00-12:00
Discuss the VIL language - Partially done
Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Continue working in the example by adding new components, proposing new views, etc.
Fix the VIL language syntax to be minimal and more expressive language.
42nd Meeting : 07/04/10 09:00-12:00
Discuss the VIL language - Partially done
Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Continue working on the example by adding new components, proposing new views, etc.
Prepare the Poster for the JDoc
Prepare a draft version for the annual report of the thesis
43rd Meeting : 21/04/10 09:00-12:00
Discuss the Poster
Discuss how to enhance the annual report
Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Prepare a final version for the annual report
Continue working on the example by finding conflicts on views, using operators for aspects composition to resolve conflicts.
44th Meeting : 28/04/10 13:30-17:30
Discuss the airpot internet access example - Partially done
Discuss possible conflicts on the example
Discuss aspects compositions operators and their applications for the airport example - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
Implement aspects manually with compositions operators to the example: A2-A3 (dynamic weaving) and A4-A5 (static weaving)
Enhance the already proposed views:
How to deal with current sessions for A1
Use Timer calls rather than delaying actions for A2
Find a way how the order is important for A4 and A5
Think how we justify the need of the basic view by integrating wrappers
45th Meeting : 07/05/10 16:00-18:00
Discuss the implementation of wrappers for the airpot internet access example - Partially done
Plan for the next Meeting:
projects/coloc/these_d_abdelhakim_hannousse/prive/start.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/04/03 16:59 (modification externe)