Outils pour utilisateurs

Outils du site


Working groups


  • API talk - Short term goal: tool integration roadmap
    • Process A and Process B
      • Model import/export and verification
      • Reverse engineering - Short term goal: suitable models and techniques
      • various kind of schema
        • no assumptions
        • UML (component) model with manual implementation
        • UML (component) model with transformation implementation (traceable)
        • Component model with manual implementation
        • Component model with with transformation implementation (traceable)
      • rule based system and customisable process


  • Publication process (Petr)
    • experience paper (short-term objective)
    • technical paper (medium-term objective)
  • Project Continuation (Frantisek)
    • level (national, international, european)
    • objectives
    • partners
    • requirements
projects/econet/cluj2008/working_groups.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/04/03 16:59 (modification externe)