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Nantes' workshop Program

This is a second time schedule » Preliminary Program «

This program has shifted from one half-day or one day for organisation convenience reasons


Days 1 and 2 are dedicated to workshop presentations. The durations and schedules leave time for numerous discussions… ;-)

  • Presentation of the subproject work (subproject new advance)
  • Technical presentations (project development, related works, tools, …)

Days 3, 4 and 5 are dedicated to the coordination issues for the project

  • context, goal, process, tools,…
  • sharing experience
  • practical organisation and responsabilities

The presentation duration are really duration-free for both the contents and questions ;-)

Day 1 (Monday)

  1. Welcome
  2. Technical presentations about the Metamodel subproject
14:00 - 14:30 Invitation, discussion on workshop program and Nantes visit
14:30 - 17:30 LCI presentations and Demo (coffee break at 15:30)

We start by LCI because the Metamodel supports the interface between Subprojects A and B.

 This is an unordered list of presentations.

Day 2 (Tuesday)

  • Technical presentations about the subproject structure
    1. Technical presentations about the subproject behaviour
    9:00 - 12:15 Vladi's Demo and Meta Model discussions (coffee break at 10:30)
    12:30 Lunch
    14:00 - 17:30 COLOSS + OBASCO presentations (coffee break at 15:30)

    This is an unordered list of presentations.

    • Common Metamodel Validation Pascal André (Coloss) metamodels.pdf
    • ECONET – CCMM the LCI proposal Vladiela Petrascu (LCI)
    • Process B: A first prototype Gilles Ardourel (Coloss) coloss0.pdf
    • Composing Component with shared services in the Kmelia Model Christian Attiogbé (Coloss) coloss1.pdf
    • Concurrent Event-Based AOP Protocols: the missing link between components and aspects? Jacques Noyé (Obasco) obasco2.pdf
    • Components with N-Party Rendezvous and Symbolic Transition Systems Jean-Claude Royer (Obasco) obasco1.pdf

Day 3 (Wednesday)

9:00 - 11:30 DSRG Presentations (coffee break at 10:00)
11:30 Lunch in the city
14:00 SOCIAL EVENT Nantes visit 8-)


  • few people,
  • budget,
  • organisation

Working session I :

  • Summary of experiences
    • activities of each subproject
    • back on the experimentations
    • perspectives
  • Discussions
    • tools,
    • interfaces,
    • languages…
  • Metamodel Validation

    This is an unordered list of presentations.

Day 4 (Thursday)

9:00 - 12:00 Working session II (coffee break at 10:30)
12:00 Lunch
14:00 - 17:00 Working session II (coffee break at 15:30)

Working session II :

  • Presentation of Jean-Claude
  • Working session I (contd.)
  • Study the interface between the parts
    • format, filters, API
    • model issues
  • Tools normalisation
    • compare tools and techniques of each subproject
    • final decisions on the tools panel
    • perspectives
  • Summarise the requirements

Day 5 (Friday)

9:30 - 12:00 Work on proposal (coffee break at 10:30)
12:00 Lunch

Work on proposal

  1. Get a first prototype
    • source and documentations for each subproject
    • final decisions on the metamodel part
    • extract the main open issues
    • applications on CoCoME
  2. Draw the roadmap to the end of the year
    • development
    • documentation
    • publication (reports, papers)
  3. Start the publication process (conference papers)

back to home :-\

projects/econet/nantes2008/program08n.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/04/03 16:59 (modification externe)