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Workshop preparation

note here the informations related to what happend before the workshop


Presentation Session

summary and results

Working Session

summary and results

Workshop results

what has been decided

Subprojects (3 parts)

A (sub)-project definition including

  • objectives and goals
  • participants
  • means
  • tasks and schedule

(see the project submission structure maybe)

Subprojects and Common works

  • bibliography references (for the report)
    with additional comments (for the wiki)
  • Common CVS subversion
  • Informations on tools
    • web links
    • comments (keep/avoid) on the wiki


 Final version in one month (approximatively)
  • 2 weeks for writing the first version of each subproject

(including participants review)

  • 2 weeks for writing the final version the workshop report including the description of each subproject
    (including all partner's review)

good luck ;-);-)

projects/econet/pragues2007/workshop_report.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/04/03 16:59 (modification externe)