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Common Tools

Interface between subprojects can be text files or XML files but this quite poor and each group will need to develop tools on Java and Models. In order to get a standard vision of the usqble technologiesm we need to agree on the model and metamodel tools used in each subproject.

Java/Annotation Tools

Several tools will be used in more than one subproject.

Model Engineering Tools

We need tools for model management, preferably on Eclipse. We already discussed on a modeling tool around Eclipse technologies (Ecore, XML, EMF, MOF…) that allows to:

  1. describe and check component metamodels CMM (with structural and behavioural features, with a model that links to Java code)
  2. describe and check component models CM
  3. provide an API to navigate on and query models, to add operations and processing on models

LCI should maintain this (CMM-CM) layer since it relates to metamodels.

At first sight OCLE can provide the main elements on points 1 and 2 but it doesn’t provide an API usable in process A (structure) and B (behaviour).

Other tools exist that can help to use Ecore without handling it directly:

Information on this aspect can be found here:

It would be helpful to compare tools

projects/econet/tools/common_tools.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/04/03 16:59 (modification externe)